帯状疱疹ワクチンについて A Vaccine to Prevent Herpes Zoster (Which would you select, inactivated vaccines or live-attenuated vaccines? ) 





帯状疱疹を発症するかしないか、も問題ですが、帯状疱疹後神経痛(postherpetic neuralgia:以下PHNと略します)合併症の発生確率についても注目ポイントです。






From July 2023, the Tokyo metropolitan government will subsidize the herpes zoster vaccine at public expense. The government will subsidize the live vaccine “Biken” at 4,000 yen per dose, and the inactivated vaccine “Shingrix” at 10,000 yen per dose. In the general schedule, you should take the “Biken” vaccine only once or take the ” Shingrix” vaccine twice.

Hence, If you choose the ” Biken” vaccine, 4000 yen is your own expense as the original price is 8000 yen. If you choose the” Shingrix” vaccine, 24000 yen is your own expense for two doses as the original price is 22000 yen for one dose. People over 50 years who live in Tokyo can use the subsidized ticket.

Please apply for the municipality to issue the voucher if you want to take the vaccine. In my opinion, it would be better to select the “Shingrix” vaccine if you don’t mind paying for the vaccine. It has been reported that “Biken” vaccine efficacy against herpes zoster decreases with age (from 69.8% in adults between 60 and 69 years to 37.6% in those over 70 years). 1)

In addition, it is contraindicated for use in persons with immunosuppression. On the other hand, in the study of “Shingrix” vaccine, there was no significant difference in vaccine efficacy among the participants who were 50 years of age or older. (range from 96.6% to 97.9%). Both studies need further observation of their efficacy. However, ” Shingrix” is better than “Biken” in terms of well-preserved efficacy among people at the age of 70 or older.2) There are no specific inadequate subjects except for the people who have an allergy to the ” Shingrix” vaccine. In conclusion, I think it is important not to miss the chance to take the vaccine. Since the ” Biken” vaccine is proven to protect against the complications of postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) in those over the age of 70, you could choose the “Biken” vaccine if you have financial problems.

I would be happy if I help you with your vaccine selection with this page.

Our summer vacation is from the afternoon of the 14th of August to the 19th of August. We will also be closed on the afternoon of Monday, August 21st.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Have a nice summer vacation!


  1. Oxman MN, et al. N Engl J Med. 2005; 352(22):2271-2284
  2. Lal H. et al. N Engl J Med.2015; 372 (22):2087-2096