りんご病について About parvovirus infection.



リンゴ病の正式名称は、伝染性紅斑といいます。Parvovirus B19によるウィルス感染症です。通常は冬の後半から春先にかけて流行することが多く、数年に1度、今年のような流行が発生します。飛沫感染し、5歳から15歳の間の子供たちへの感染が7割を占めます。家庭内感染の確率は15~30%ですが、40~60%の成人は抗体をすでに保有していると考えられています。ちなみに、Parvovirus B19感染の予防ワクチンは存在しません。



We have already spent a month in the new year. Did you scatter beans in Setsubun? Be careful because acute gastroenteritis is spreading in this period.

Well, this time I would like to talk about the fifth disease, which was very prevalent until recently. Fifth disease is called `apple disease’ in Japanese which takes its name from the appearance of red cheeks. Fifth disease is caused by Parvovirus B19. Infections usually occur from the late winter to spring and spread by respiratory droplets. 70% of cases are found in children between five and 15 years of age. 40-60% of adults have evidence of prior infection. There is no preventive vaccine against the virus.

 It is sometimes difficult to differentiate between healthy red cheeks and a ‘slapped cheek’ appearance, although there are several kinds of hallmark of erythema. The incubation period is about 2 weeks and the viremia occurs one week before the cheek’s appearance which is a highly contagious period. The time when you see the red cheeks on your child is the sign of convalescence, which means low risk of infection.
 Parvovirus B19 is known for inducing fetal loss if a pregnant woman is infected. Although it is best to avoid infection, don’t be too upset if you face worry because the risk is under 5 %. Regular observation by gynecologist is more important.

Don’t worry alone. You can ask anything regarding your concerns about your health here at the clinic.


  1. Young NS, et al. N Engl J Med.2004 Feb 5;350(6):586-97.
  2. Nelson Textbook of PEDIATRICS