2周年のご挨拶 To commemorate the 2nd anniversary



新しい生活様式が確実に私たちの暮らしに浸透し、物を手に入れたり、人と意思疎通したりする手段の利便化が進みました。ペーパーレスの時代もペンでメモを取ったり、メールよりもはがきでご挨拶したりといった対比の延長線上に、オンラインか直接対話かの選択肢があるのかもしれませんが、With コロナの時代も、慣れたコミュニケーションの手段はずっと愛されてほしいなと個人的には思います。



April 13th was the 2 year anniversary of the opening of our clinic. I had never experienced the style of pediatric outpatient clinic wearing Personal Protective Equipment until I opened my clinic during the emergency state of the pandemic in 2020. Who would have imagined that the times comes when the director of a clinic should arrange the clinic not to be crowded?

Our life style was changed by pandemic. We welcome our communication tools’ turn to be more and more convenient any time. Some people may think that it is the same to prefer direct dialogue in the online conferencing era as to prefer taking notes in the paperless era or to prefer greeting with postcards to email. However, I hope the classical communication tools will stay to be loved.

Thanks to all who support us.

Please feel free to contact us anytime should you have any health concerns.