夏休みのお知らせ Summer vacation has come!

夏休みになり、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? 開催にあたっては多くの反対意見があった東京オリンピック2020が先日閉幕しました。しかし実際には、アスリート達の激闘で歓喜に沸き、コロナ禍の鬱々としたストレスから一時でも解き放たれたと感じた方も多いのではないでしょうか? 必ず成功するとは限らない挑戦の道。その先に待ち構えているかもしれない恐ろしい失望にも耐え、次のステップにつなげていく力強さ。スポーツの祭典を通して、困難に屈せず決してあきらめないという、大切なメッセージを受け取ったように思います。


The Tokyo Olympics 2020 is over. We had many doubts about whether the games should be held in the pandemic, however, the people’s reaction was all positive. They all reacted positively to the great performance of the athletes. Where anyone takes a challenge, there might be a great disappointment. If the challenge will not end in success, the disappointment will definitely be a gift for the next success. I was so moved by the athletes and have learned not to give up to reach the goals that my mind sets.

The fight against COVID 19 is still going on. We will start to book reservations for the covid-19 vaccine which you can inoculate in September and October from the end of August.

We are sorry but we are closed from August 20th to 25th for the summer holiday. Stay home, stay relaxed and have a nice holiday!